
More Pictures of Kearney? Why not!?

She is seriously one of cutest pups to take pictures of, always ready for the next photo op! 

Nothing quite like sunbathing with my best feline friend!

These humans, they like to cover me with these soft things!

Yep, just take the photo, I know I am adorable! 

Yes, here I am with 3 cat. They got a new bed, shaped like a fish, I was pretty skeptical about it too. 

I love hiking, even in the snow!

I make new friends wherever I go! 

The humans started brushing my teeth, but I like this brush much better! 

6 months of Kearney

It's hard to believe this sweet pup has been at our house for 6 months! She's come a long way, less shy, meets new people with treats in their hand! She likes to run around our backyard like a crazy young pup! She does circles and circles. We are teaching her how to fetch a ball, she gets it every once and a while :) She's such a smart pup! 

Here are some photos from the past few months:

Kearney's 3rd Geocache and my 1st! 
 Enjoying the first sunny day in a while!

Someone got a new bed!

 She looks so comfy!

Such a Sweetheart
Sleepy Puppy!

Blah, I won't give you kisses, even though you want them! 
This is my best kitty friend, Monty 

She sleeps in funny positions!

She is such a snuggler! 

Kearney and Monty = BFF!


The Holidays and More with Miss Kearney

It was Kearney's first Holiday in Wisconsin. She had many new experiences which she faced with a hesitant and worried look most of the time but she learned a lot about other people, other dogs and how she can handle herself in a crowded room (finding a quiet place to lay)

She is now pretty used to my dad picking her up to cuddle on his favorite chair!

Here in Wisconsin we hit some pretty nasty weather, with lots of snow, ice and a Polar Vortex of temperature, so we tried out some boots. Needless to say, Kearney did not like these boots and felt very "broken" with them on, she barely could walk! 

This is Christmas Day with the Aylesworths. She was our official reindeer. She was sleeping on the job!

She got a present! Its a little Greenie Chewie Hedgehog. She carried it around all day! 

At Laura's boyfriend Josh's family Christmas, she found a great spot on top of the sofa!

We found out that Miss Kearney, absolutely loves to go hiking. We've found a couple of dog parks that she just loves to explore in. She is very well behaved at them, she doesn't run too far from you and will come back if you call her name! 

In this picture she was getting her toe nails trimmed, but you can barely tell from how call she appears!

My momma and Kearney just relaxing and watching TV.

She saw another dog at the dog park and just stopped in her tracks waiting for it to come close to her, they took a turn and she was so baffled as to where it went! so funny!

She has the most adorable polar fleece coat that my mom got her for winter playdates! 

She is a pretty awesome snuggler. She loves to just sprawl around on her back and curl up beside you anywhere you are. She is a pretty awesome little pooch! 


Oh dear Sweet Kearney Pup...

What a goofy, cuddly canine companion you have become. Just gave you a bath, and you totally tolerated it. Went to the dog park where you could run free. You've been rocking those xmas sweaters quite well I must say:

Laying like a goofy pup! Looks comfy, right? 

We love your scruffy mop top so much we captured your perfect "I'm so emo" look!

There are reindeer antlers on my head? No way!! 

Sometimes I snuggle with my foster mom, even if she puts antlers on me!

Practically anywhere is comfy for this pup! 

Yep, corner space of the couch. :) 

Laying right on top of Laura's head, thats the best!

That's my buddy Monty Kitty, we like to chase each other around in the middle of the night! 

It's also super comfortable on Laura's back too!

Or just to lay next to her on a furry blanket on the bed! 

I will most definitely make someone happy. I'm a great little pup that just wants to snuggle. I may be a little shy at first but I am pretty tolerate with most things. I try to go with the flow to gain more confidence with strangers. I really enjoyed the Dog park today, I got to say hi to some German Shepherds and a little Cattle Dog and romp around in the snow! It was fantastic! 


She's just so Adorable!

I really just a can't get enough of this adorable face. She is warming up to men more, met some new rat terrier friends, and was well behaved with them. She is just such a great little dog! She loves her belly rubbed and chasing my cat. I think she will make someone very happy! She lets you put sweaters on her and takes lovely walks with you. 
What a lovely face!

Yes, she really is laying on top of a chair like most cats do and is very comfortable this way! :) 


Fluffy Dog Kearney!

Kearney is one ridiculously sweet puppy dog. She loves to give kisses, snuggle up at bedtime, and is a little shy of the kitties.  She was pretty worn out the first night home, as seen in this photo: 

Yep, she's pretty cute! Love her scruffyness!

She found a pretty nice spot on top of this comfy chair in our living room!

She really loves having her belly rubbed!

Look at my super cute face!!!