
6 months of Kearney

It's hard to believe this sweet pup has been at our house for 6 months! She's come a long way, less shy, meets new people with treats in their hand! She likes to run around our backyard like a crazy young pup! She does circles and circles. We are teaching her how to fetch a ball, she gets it every once and a while :) She's such a smart pup! 

Here are some photos from the past few months:

Kearney's 3rd Geocache and my 1st! 
 Enjoying the first sunny day in a while!

Someone got a new bed!

 She looks so comfy!

Such a Sweetheart
Sleepy Puppy!

Blah, I won't give you kisses, even though you want them! 
This is my best kitty friend, Monty 

She sleeps in funny positions!

She is such a snuggler! 

Kearney and Monty = BFF!